Studies show that a high percentage of crimes in the UK are committed by young people. negative peer groups, low income, lack of education or poor academic achievement, broken homes, exposure to crime and violence, a feeling of social exclusion, and racial or ethnic conflict and tensions – all of these factors increase the risk of young people turning to drug abuse, anti-social behaviour or a life of crime. Fight 4 Change has taken part in research for a number of social development and community cohesion projects since 2009. The results of this research clearly indicate that long-term social change and inclusion can be better achieved using culturally familiar activities such as music, sports and the arts to embed social development programmed deep in the heart of disadvantaged communities. It has also shown that providing positive activities enrich and nourish young people in their own environments by raising aspirations, increasing their skills and opportunities can achieve significant results in terms of a positive change in attitude and behaviors.
Case Studies
Read the different stories of how our charity work has impacted individuals lives for the better.