Fight 4 Change has partnered up with Q8 the Global Oil and Gas Company. The partnership was brought about by Strategies Consultancy who identified the synergy that lead Fight 4 Change to work with Q8 aspiring leaders of the future.
Strategies Consultancy are a leading learning organisational effectiveness company who run a number of Leadership and Management training programmes for Corporate Clients, designed to help those clients retain their top talent.
As part of this years training programme Fight 4 Change had a cohort of 12 Q8 employees from across Europe and from a mixture of their departments (Finance, Sales, and Marketing etc.) . The group gave us a diverse pool of expertise, perspectives and skill sets.
We set Q8 employees a project task to expand and develop a Fight 4 Change CSR model and develop a business start-up course to be delivered to young people. Q8 UK leads based at their Pall Mall and Woking offices visited our head office at various stages to research, question in order to fully grasp a deeper understanding of Fight 4 Change structure and processes.
The final part of the Q8 training saw all 12 Q8 employees come down to our base at Black Prince Community Hub in London to experience ‘a day in the life of a young person’. Q8 employees were taken through our boxing sessions, body image workshops, and leadership programmes, which culminated in hard hitting and inspiring talks, from young people that have come through our Fight 4 Change programmes. The day had a major impact on the Q8 staff and helped our process and case studies they had read to come to life.
“Working on this project with F4C has been a once in a life time experience in so many ways, From being just a “project” to actually producing something with F4C that will have a possible impact on young people’s life, it is not often that we get that chance and we thank you for that! We wish you the best of luck in the future and we all will stay in touch.”Ulrika Blomberg – Q8
The emotional experience of the 9th May was captured and eloquently produced in Q8’s final presentation at Elvetham Hotel, Hook, Hampshire (11th May 2017). The presentation executed before an audience of senior Q8 officials and Rebecca Donnelly MBE and CEO of Fight 4 Change, succinctly outlined what the group had experienced and developed. This culminated with a USB stick and brochure containing the completed project brief and content being produced and handed to Rebecca Donnelly MBE.
“ We are very grateful at Fight 4 Change for the work that Q8 have delivered for us. They were able to interpret and understand the ethos of Fight 4 Change and convey this across multiple platform including brochure, presentation and Business start-up course. They have given us the foundation to extend our revenue beyond Grant funding and we now have viable products and methods to attract corporate sponsorship”
Rebecca Donnelly MBE – CEO Fight 4 Change
The impressive Business Start-Up course is ideal for Corporate Clients to brand and will be accredited through Nation Open College Network in addition Q8 have offered assistance with delivery and roll out of the courses.